Speaker Series - Bonnie St. John (2 of 2): First Aid for Your Attitude

When you get physically hurt, you’re prepared with a first aid kit. But what do you when you get an “ow-ie for your attitude”? Olympic ski medalist Bonnie St. John returns to talk about why you need a first aid kit for your attitude and what practical little things can you do to get results right away.
When you get physically hurt, you’re prepared with a first aid kit. But what do you when you get an “ow-ie for your attitude”? Olympic ski medalist Bonnie St. John returns to talk about why you need a first aid kit for your attitude and what practical little things can you do to get results right away.

Also in the episode:
  • Why you need protein and water in your diet
  • Why her team has a shared photo album
  • What’s in Bonnie’s first aid kit and how it made her into who she is today
Bonnie's books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Bonnie-St.-John/author/B001IGNTYY?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Bonnie's TED Talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO3XAVx8kW8
Speaker Series - Bonnie St. John (2 of 2): First Aid for Your Attitude
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