Speaker Series - Dr. Harriet Lerner (Part 2 of 2): I'm Sorry I Never Apologize

Many people believe that apologizing is a sign of weakness and intentionally do not use the words, "I'm sorry". It is likely that someone comes to mind for us all in our personal and/or professional lives that fits this category. Apologizing, in actuality, takes a great deal of strength and self-worth. Join us for part two of our interview with NYT best selling author and relationship expert, Dr. Harriet Lerner, where she explains what is takes for us to apologize and take accountability for things we have done that unintentionally hurt others.
Many people believe that apologizing is a sign of weakness and intentionally do not use the words, "I'm sorry". It is likely that someone comes to mind for us all in our personal and/or professional lives that fits this category. Apologizing, in actuality, takes a great deal of strength and self-worth. Join us for part two of our interview with NYT best selling author and relationship expert, Dr. Harriet Lerner, where she explains what is takes for us to apologize and take accountability for things we have done that unintentionally hurt others. 

Our hosts discuss the following with Dr. Harriet Lerner:
  • Why some people won't or can't say, "I'm sorry"
  • What it takes to offer a sincere apology 
  • The importance of striking while the iron is....cold
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Speaker Series - Dr. Harriet Lerner (Part 2 of 2): I'm Sorry I Never Apologize
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