Part 2: That Time I Stopped Should'ing on Others

While we can’t control how often others should on us, we can be aware of how frequently we should on others. “You should do this” or “you shouldn’t do that” finds its way into day-to-day conversations all too easily. Join the hosts as they explore the impact should-ing could have on relationships with those we love, lead, and serve. Let’s Grow Further together by empowering others to be in control of their own decisions and lives.
While we can’t control how often others should on us, we can be aware of how frequently we should on others. “You should do this” or “you shouldn’t do that” finds its way into day-to-day conversations all too easily. Join the hosts as they explore the impact should-ing could have on relationships with those we love, lead, and serve. Let’s Grow Further together by empowering others to be in control of their own decisions and lives.

In this episode, we discuss...

  • What it means to should on others.
  • How should’ing on others could impact them and the relationship negatively.
  • Ways we can work towards should’ing on others less.
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Part 2: That Time I Stopped Should'ing on Others
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