The Magic of the 5 to 1 Ratio

Move over David Copperfield, because in this episode, the hosts get their Houdini on as they discuss John Gottman's discovery of the 5 to 1 magic ratio in relationships. Apparently, if you have five positive interactions for every one negative interaction, your team may be more succesful. They talk about a study that looked at 60 different teams and found that positive interactions were key to team success. So, whether you're trying to keep the love alive or get that promotion, remember: abracadabra, 5 to 1 and you're done!

They also discuss:
  • What is your “Trust fund”? 
  • How do you make deposits and withdrawals in your “Trust fund”.
  • The two most used words in thriving relationships.
More info about the study:

The Magic of the 5 to 1 Ratio
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