When did Self-Care become SELFish?
Have you ever felt guilty for taking time for yourself? Do you tend to put other people first while your needs sometimes suffer? In this episode, we explore the humanity in feeling this way- no matter where you are in your life currently, and think about ways we can leverage self-care as an enabler of being your very best self.
Striving to put people first cannot be achieved without ensuring you are also a priority. Let's shift the mindset around self-care and using tips to put ourselves and our needs in the forefront so we can be the best versions of ourselves for those we love, lead, work with and serve.
In this episode, we discuss…
In this episode, we discuss…
- Why we charge our phones more than we charge ourselves
- Benefits of self-care
- 3 things we can all do to prioritize self-care
Connect with us at growfurtherpodcast@gmail.com